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Thurston Moore & Charles Hayward (Sonic Youth/This Heat) ~Tunnel

Red Noise presenta THURSTON MOORE & CHARLES HAYWARD [Sonic Youth / This Heat] DATA UNICA esclusiva Italia. Ore 22 in apertura: Oscar di Mondogemello Ore 22,30 / MOORE - HAYWARD Ingresso € 20 Ingresso riservato ai soci Arci PREVENDITA / BUY TICKETS ∎ Online sul sito Ciaotickets, qui: ∎ Biglietteria concerti Reggio Emilia @ Tabaccheria Via Panciroli 21/A, Reggio Emilia (centro storico) Un evento Red Noise Reggio Emilia / Circolo Arci Tunnel / Arci Reggio Emilia, con la partnership di TIPO magazine e FOUR STICKS - batterie&percussioni @ Circolo Arci Tunnel Via del Chionso 20/g, 42100 Reggio Emilia ~> Official page: [ i n f o ] THURSTON MOORE ~ Guitar CHARLES HAYWARD ~ Drums Due icone del noise rock e della sperimentazione, ma anche due ex dal passato leggendario: le chitarre di Moore e il drumming di Hayward insieme sullo stesso palco per una serata che promette scintille e ricerca sonora. [TIPO magazine] ∎ Thurston Moore (Thurston Moore band, Chelsea Light Moving, Sonic Youth...) ∎ Charles Hayward (This Heat, Camberwell Now, Massacre, Quiet Sun...) Photo: Thurston Moore by Vera Marmelo, Charles Hayward by Lewis Hayward. _____________________________ D I S C O G R A F I A main [ T h u r s t o n M o o r e ] Psychic Hearts (1995, Geffen Records) Root – Remix Project (1998, Lo Recordings) Trees Outside the Academy (2007, Ecstatic Peace) Demolished Thoughts (2011, Matador Records) The Best Day (2014, Matador Records) [ S o n i c Y o u t h ] Sonic Youth EP (1982, Neutral) Confusion Is Sex (1983, Neutral) Kill Your Idols EP (1983, Neutral) Bad Moon Rising (1985, Homestead) Evol (1986, SST) Sister (1987, SST) Daydream Nation (1988, Enigma) Ciccone Youth / Whitey Album (1989, Enigma) Goo (1990, Geffen) Dirty (1992, Geffen) Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star (1994, Geffen) Washing Machine (1995, Geffen) A Thousand Leaves (1998, Geffen) NYC Ghosts & Flowers (2000, Geffen) Murray Street (2002, Geffen) Sonic Nurse (2004, Geffen) Rather Ripped (2006, Geffen) The Eternal (2009, Matador) [ A l t r i p r o g e t t i e c o l l a b o r a z i o n i ] Chelsea Light Moving, Glenn Branca, Yoko Ono, Derek Bailey John Zorn, Richard Hell, Don Fleming, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Jim O'Rourke, Merzbow, Evan Parker, Jim Sauter, Don Dietrich, Nels Cline, Mats Gustafsson, Terrie Ex, Mats Gustafsson, Chris Corsano, Paul Flaherty, R.E.M. ... _____________________________ D I S C O G R A F I A main [ C h a r l e s H a y w a r d ] Survive the Gesture (1987) Skew Whiff – A Tribute to Mark Rothko (1990) Switch on War (1991) Escape From Europe – Live in Japan vol 1 (1996) Double Agent(s) – Live in Japan vol 2 (1999) Near + Far – Live in Japan vol 3 (1999) Abracadabra Information (2004) Live At Tone Deaf 10-27-11 (2012) One Big Atom (2011) Trademark Ground (2012) Anonymous Bash (2014) [ C a m b e r w e l l N o w ] Meridian (1983) The Ghost Trade (1986) Greenfingers (1987) All's Well (1992) [ T h i s H e a t ] This Heat (1979) Health and Efficiency (1980) Deceit (1981) This Heat with Mario Boyer Diekuuroh (1982) Repeat (1993) Made Available: John Peel Sessions (1996) Out of Cold Storage (2006; 6-CD box set) "This Heat's music has had a huge influence on generations of musicians in the decades following their break-up. Hot Chip included the song "Radio Prague" on their DJ-Kicks: Hot Chip album with Alexis Taylor commenting that the band "were truly committed to experimentation in the studio, and making a highly-charged music of great originality and dynamics." Dan Snaith of Caribou fame noted that the band "sounded like the future then and still do now." Avey Tare of Animal Collective revealed that This Heat "are one of those bands that (as a person wanting to be in a band) I aspired to be like". Damon McMahon of Amen Dunes called them "the Beatles of modern experimental music". Both Sleepytime Gorilla Museum and Oneida covered the track "S.P.Q.R.". Robert Del Naja, one of the founding members of Massive Attack, covered "24 Track Loop". K K Null covered the tracks "Repeat" and "Horizontal Hold". Odd Nosdam remixed "Health And Efficiency" along with "Radio Prague". Subtle remixed "A New Kind Of Water". Danny Brown sampled "Horizontal Hold" on the track "Adderall Admiral" off the album XXX. The band were mentioned in LCD Soundsystem's "Losing My Edge". Viet Cong cited the band as a huge influence with bassist/vocalist Matt Flegel claiming in an interview that he was trying to "ape" Deceit. Numerous critics recognized the band's influence on the music of Sonic Youth, Glenn Branca, Public Image Ltd., Radiohead, Swans, Shellac, Black Dice, Lightning Bolt and numerous other experimental and post rock bands." _____________________________ iN APERTURA, ORE 22,00 Oscar di Mondogemello ~ "Sono Oscar e suono da solo. Il progetto nasce ufficialmente ad inizio 2015, anche se in realtà scrivo da molto tempo. Da allora ho fatto parecchie date e ho pubblicato 2 ep, il primo si chiama “l'Ep” (5pz/Gen 2015) ed è stato registrato in maniera veloce e radicale perché frutto di un'urgenza. Il secondo è “Miele” (5pz/Dic 2015), a cui ho dedicato più tempo e attenzione, cercando di curare al meglio musica e testi. Ora sto scrivendo i pezzi per il mio primo album." _____________________________ Red Noise Reggio Emilia #InNoiseWeTrust Info: Stampa & media: Partners


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